The savings potential for wiring subassemblies, mounting plates or complete cabinets is still tremendous and from previous experience goes up to 80%. Because of the intensive employment of qualified personnel this is especially true of special machine manufacturing.
This potential can however only be exploited if the process chain between engineering and manufacturing is consistent and is not interrupted by system breaks.
Instead of manually cutting each wire to length and to equip it with the required connecting items (e.g. conductor sleeves, cable lugs, inscription plates), automats can take on this time-consuming task. All of the required data can be determined with Engineering Base and communicated to the automats.
Our Solution

The electrical engineer uses the circuit diagram to specify the electrical interconnection of the components. Details concerning type, color and cross section of the wires can be entered for the entire project, depending on the potential or individually for the wire. The comfortable editing of the wiring information in clearly laid out worksheets simplifies this job and helps avoiding errors. Moreover all of the wiring information is directly determined during the creation of the circuit diagram.
The positioning of the components, mounting bars and cable ducts within the module, mounting plate or cabinet is specified in the layout diagram. The user is supported by adjustable lists with freely definable filters and sorting logic that help him to select the components for placement. Components can be placed individually or in groups in the layout diagram simply by drag & drop. The layout diagram optionally offers the user simple rectangles or detailed symbols including connecting terminals and defined empty spaces (e.g. for cooling).
The routing module FastWire combines the wiring information from the circuit diagram with the positioning information from the layout diagram and determines the shortest distances taking into account the cable ducts and the preset EMC; this yields the precise length and routing through the cable ducts for each wire. Due to the common Engineering Base database, the circuit diagram and the layout diagram can even be created in random order. This supports parallel bundling of processes and helps keeping even tight deadlines.
To exploit the savings potential, wire setting automats can be fed all necessary data using the available interfaces. The automats then see to it that all of the specified wires are produced fully automatically with their proper colors and the desired imprints.
Thus in manufacture the layout diagrams and wiring lists can be used to efficiently equip and wire the mounting plates with components, assembly rails and cable ducts.
Your advantage
In addition to saving materials and time, an important aspect in wiring automation is the possibility to increasingly employ less qualified staff members while at the same time improving the quality of manufacturing.