The Austrian Kanzler Verfahrenstechnik (VT) GesmbH is the worldwide leading supplier of process engineering plants for industrial exhaust air and waste gas cleaning, catalytic desulfurization and glycerol processing. The company globally supplies primarily the pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical industries as well as the areas viscose, ceramics, metallurgy and surface finishing. Kanzler usually acts as general contractor. This requires one quality more than any other: Reliable, consistent planning, especially because for comprehensive projects changes are a daily business anywhere anytime.
Consistent (One Tool for Everything)

After valuable experience with AUCOPLAN, Kanzler today works with the database-driven Engineering Base (EB) and is quite happy: „Instead of having to buy several programs, I find in EB almost all functions required for effective planning in process engineering. This tool is the basis of the complete measurement technique and electrical engineering – from the creation of the P&I‘s to plant units such as the fire alarm system of the subcontractor“, says Gunter Hadwiger, head of the I&E department at Kanzler VT.
The programs used up to now were incompatible. With their multiple entries and high fault susceptibility they required a vast amount of time. EB keeps every change and all objects, even external documents, centrally and unambiguously in its database. This ensures up-to-dateness at all times even if several teams work in parallel at a plant. Thanks to EB Instrumentation, Kanzler can simply integrate the measuring and control technology into the P&I diagram – with all of its logical operations.
Added Value
Subsequently electrical engineers work out the loops, general diagrams and cable runs with high efficiency. The comfortable cable routing provides precise, cost-effective manufacturing, and the automatic length and dimension calculation makes changes children‘s play. Together with EB‘s calculation of the material requirements, preparation and assembly costs, this yields a unique cost transparency.