Balthasar Nusser GmbH, Austria, founded in 1920 as car dealer and auto repair shop, has nowadays become a specialist in vehicle superstructures. The Austrian automobile association ÖAMTC, the fire brigade or the army are among the regular customers. Nusser uses unfinished chassis to mount complete superstructures or built-in elements including the respective electronics. With increasing demands, the demands on the E-planning system also increased: Thus following an extensive search Nusser decided in favor of the database-driven Engineering Base (EB) system.
Absolute Reliability
Plain mechanics CAD and home-made lists were no longer sufficient for the projects with the highest demands on quality and reliability. In special-purpose vehicle manufacture individual planning is commonplace but cost-intensive. With EB this job has been tremendously simplified because it integrates not only the fluid and pneumatic systems but also enables the creation of a construction kit, which can eventually be used to drag ever more elements with drag & drop as templates into a new project, where they are individually placed and connected.
EB‘s parts management with integrated order numbers now permits project-related ordering without detours. For the pluggable electrical cabinets for the special superstructures, netlists are particularly important. EB now creates them automatically where formerly manual work was required. There is not much space available for the cabinets, therefore they must be equipped with an extreme compactness. Before EB was introduced errors occurred regularly and cost man-hours. Today Nusser‘s cabinet assembly can look back on a 100% quality improvement.

„The SQL server renders the system quite open and is the perfect basis of as yet undreamt-of future tasks“, says electrical engineer Christian Prugger. The environmentally friendly electric automobile, which he has developed himself with the support of his bosses, the brothers Nusser, could be one of those tasks. Another envisioned project is an electric minibus. Prugger‘s next objective therefore is EB Cable for harness design, which starts from the same project without requiring interfaces and data transfers.
„It is quite easy to learn working with EB“, the designer says, who has learned everything on his own using the AUCOTEC hotline. „With EB one can simply embark and start.“