Chris Breeden is the owner of Breeden Wiring Systems. His company offers professional engineering and consulting services for the design of wiring harnesses and control panels, for the automotive industry as well as for other sectors, e.g. marine or large-scale propulsion. The company also provides prototypes in order to further reduce development times for customers.
Your company is Breeden Wiring Systems. What exactly do you do?
My career has led me from drafting and design, via global engineering team management, to the creation of Breeden Wiring Systems (BWS). Through a network of talented engineers, BWS offers highly skilled wire harness development resources to some of the most future-oriented customers in the world today. We bring the right balance of electrical and mechanical expertise as well as practicality to all projects with a focus on meeting key requirements in the most efficient manner possible.
How did you become aware of AUCOTEC and Engineering Base (EB)?
I was offering wiring harness CAD training services for a competitor’s software when two harness design experts from AUCOTEC, Rolf Schwanecke and Niklas Bublitz, approached me. They offered to give me a demo of Engineering Base’s capability – and I was hugely impressed.
How did the partnership with AUCOTEC start?
After the demonstration, I was absolutely convinced that, in my 15 years in wiring harness development, EB could have saved thousands of hours, significantly reduced operating costs, and would have led to far superior and more accurate designs than I was able to accomplish using the traditional CAD software and methodologies. AUCOTEC was looking for additional support in the US, and I was looking to add a preferred software to the BWS portfolio and EB checked all of the boxes.
Why do you recommend Engineering Base to your customers?
Engineering Base or "EB" is not a slight improvement over the traditional wire harness software available, EB is a game changer! I've been in wiring harness development for 15 years and it’s typically been 80 percent data management and 20 percent engineering. EB's real strength is in its ability to simplify that very complex data management while being flexible to interface with a wide range of 3D-CAD-software available. Having that true "Single Source of Truth" means I can eliminate the redundancy, significantly reduce the time spent on new designs and revisions, and spend far more time focusing on where my value lies. EB is not an improvement to the status quo, it’s a breath of fresh air for real wire harness designers
Thank you very much for your time!