Falk Scholtz, Team Leader Platform Helpdesk
Falk, you and your colleagues are very in tune with the times right now. Due to the Corona crisis, your department has been increased by two people as a precautionary measure, in order to be prepared for any increase in the number of requests concerning working from home. But so far there have not been so many more questions. Why do you think that is?
My experience is that our customers are very well positioned in terms of infrastructure and hardware. The IT departments are very competent. What's more, EB is predestined for distributed work. I guess that all of these things together are important.
Still, you have good work to do. What are the most frequent questions that you get at the moment?
As it happens, at the moment, they're all about working from home. The most important questions are:
- Can Engineering Base be used when working from home?
- What are the boundary conditions?
- Are there any other things to consider?
- Who can I contact if I have questions about using it in my home office?
And your answers?
I often have to take a leaf from the lawyers' book and say "it depends." No, seriously: There are various ways to work with Engineering Base (EB) in your home office. But these depend on whether you want to work alone or in a group, what access options the company's own IT provides, in what form EB has been licensed, etc.
OK, we can't talk about every single case here. But surely there are still some basic details?
Of course. So, in short, in principle you can also use EB from your home office. This also applies to ELCAD, AUCOPLAN and RUPLAN under certain, sometimes different conditions, but with EB it is much more convenient, especially for a project team that works in a distributed manner.
The boundary conditions naturally include an Internet connection, a computer and access via VPN, for example for an RDP session (Remote Desktop). And you have to make sure that the available licence is not bound to a locality. For this reason, AUCOTEC has, among other things, very unbureaucratically just converted the access to the licence server at Storck to working from home.
And if customers need support tailored to their specific situation, where can they turn?
Falk Scholtz: It is best for all maintenance customers to contact the helpdesk responsible for them. This varies from country to country, but at www.aucotec.com/en/aucotec-service-aucotec-contact/ you will find the appropriate contact information. It is best for customers without a maintenance contract to contact the respective AUCOTEC branch in their country. In Germany, this is the headquarters in Hanover. From there they are forwarded to the helpdesk responsible.
Thank you very much for this information, Falk - and please stay well!